Scotland’s relationship specialists in the Edinburgh area

Beginning the journey
What do we do?
Couple Counselling Lothian offers counselling and a range of other services for couples and individuals, children, young people and extended families who are affected by relationship problems. As well as helping those who are thinking of staying together, separating or dealing with divorce, we see many people whose relationship has ended and who want to explore the issues around making new relationships.

Learning about couple counselling
We will see you whether you are in a civil partnership, married, living together, in a less formal relationship, divorced or separated. Our service is available whatever your age, race, personal beliefs, sexual orientation or social background. We are transgender inclusive. We pride ourselves in respecting the uniqueness of each individual and the distinctive nature of each relationship.
As we offer a number of services, when you contact us, our receptionist will ask you to come in for an intake session which is designed to clarify your needs and goals. The intake counsellor will then recommend the right service for you. This intake interview costs £29. Because of the high volume of intakes we provide, you will be asked to pay this in advance in order to reserve your appointment.We operate a 48 hours cancellation policy at the service.
The Services we offer are:
- Relationship Counselling
- Sexual and Relationship Therapy
- Family Therapy
Child and Young Person’s Counselling
When words won’t come
- Telephone Counselling
- Individual Counselling
- Restorative Practice
- Group Courses – Surviving The Break Up / New Beginnings
The Cost of Counselling
Couple Counselling Lothian is a registered charity and as such is a not for profit organisation. However, sadly we do not have any large benefactor paying the organisation’s bills. While we recieve limited finance from different local authorities in the City and the Lothians the bulk of our financial support actually comes from our clients. (The Local Authority grants we receive cover less than 15% of our costs.)
It costs £60 for each one hour session and that is the contribution Couple Counselling Lothian needs from clients in order to meet its financial obligations. Again, because the agency is so busy you will be asked to pay for your appointment in advance in order to make your reservation. For those unable to meet the suggested contribution, there is a sliding scale of suggested donations according to income. Should this still be prohibitive, please do get in touch in order to talk things through. Please see the FAQs page for details.
Who are we?
Couple Counselling Lothian was founded in 1946 as part of the UK wide Marriage Guidance movement of the 1930s. Edinburgh’s foundation was delayed by World War II. It was the first in Scotland. It became a company limited by guarantee in 1988. It is also the largest provider of relationship counselling in Scotland, offering a comprehensive range of services through out the Lothians.
We offer up to 6000 appointments per annum from premises in Edinburgh, Livingston West Lothian, and Dalkeith Midlothian and are now open in Tranent in East Lothian with both adult and children’s services. Please note; because of the number of clients we have, there is a waiting list. This can mean waiting up to three months.
An Introduction to counselling
If you would like to see a clip explaining counselling, please click here to see COSCA’s“Person to Person” The video will open in a new tab or window and you will not lose your place in this site